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Study Help
Due to the amount of tests and quizzes recently, We will only be doing mini-quizzes until tests become less frequent or more people can help out. if you want to help
Study Help
Making studying easier
Upcoming Tests/quizzes
These are upcoming tests and quizzes. Info and other things are listed here so that you can find some info without having to go deep into the website to find information.
All information is from canvas and dates can change between blocks. The blocks used are
Math 6, Science: A
Pre algebra: D
Geography: E
Language arts: F
You can email to submit dates for other blocks.
Feb 8. Space quiz | Science
Mini quiz:
Feb 9. Solving equations and inequalities with fractions | Pre-Algebra
Uh oh! No links.
Feb 14. Fractions test | Pre algebra
Uh oh! No links.
Late feb. Africa map test | Geography
Uh oh! No links.
Below are the tools we offer to help people with studying. We have multiple things to choose from and are made for every test and quiz
(exceptions include: Rotating classes/ B block, Languages)
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